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Profil de Ari
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Ari annerigot@gmail.com 11/07/2008 2 14/07/2008 1 11/07/2008
Le commentaire de Ari
Page Date Réponse à Titre Commentaire
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 11/07/2008 14:43:58 ECOVER Bonjour à tous,

J’ai sollicité Ecover - via leur site internet - pour obtenir leur point de vue par rapport à l’utilisation du SLS dans la composition de leur gel douche et savon pour les mains.
Voici leur position officielle :

"There have been many rumours regarding the safety of SLS. These have been generated via the internet and upon investigation are unsubstantiated.
Researching the data bases of such recognised authorities as the NIH, the EPA and other health medical and health related sources bears this out ? not one of them returns a serious health risk for SLS. For a detailed explanation we would refer you to Ed Friedlander’s site (www.pathguy.com/lectures.htm).
Ecover operates strict criteria against which all of its ingredients and finished products must perform.
SLS performs well against these criteria. It is from renewable stock : 70% plant and 30% non-petrochemical ingredients. It doesn’t generate major environmental problems, nor are there infringements on human rights or child labour.
It is manufactured using low energy methods of production. It has a low aquatic toxicity and its primary and secondary degradation is excellent in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In addition its degradation doesn’t result in the generation of stable metabolites that are now often present in silt."

Je ne suis ni chimiste ni apte à juger du bien fondé ou non de la toxicité de certains produits mais souhaite vivement pouvoir faire les bons choix pour la santé de mes proches.
Avez-vous à disposition d’autres sources scientifiques reconnues qui pourraient contrer les arguments de Ecover ?
D’avance merci.
Vos messages à Ari

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Pour plus d'informations sur les catégories d'ingrédients, les restrictions, les représentations en 2D des formules chimiques des ingrédients, veuillez consulter les Annexes.
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